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Design Recruitment Blog

The History of the Humble Office Chair

Posted on 01 Feb, 2023

Office chairs have been a staple of most workplaces for a long time. From the corporate cubicle to the cosy home office, many of us use them every day. They might demonstrate some slight differences in design, but the general functionality is the same – a wheeled, mobile chair with several points of articulation for easy movement.

But where does the idea come from? In this blog, we look at the history of the humble office chair and how it has developed over the millennia.

Millennia? Oh yes – office chairs are older than you think.

Ancient Egyptian Ergonomics

There is archaeological evidence dating back to 1900 BCE that Egyptian artisans used specially designed and purpose-built chairs when carrying out their wor... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

The Trend for Log Burners and Wood Burning Stoves for Heating our Homes

Posted on 17 Jan, 2023

With energy costs rising across the board and no sign of them slowing down, many people are looking for alternative methods of heating their homes—specifically, ones that will keep their fuel costs down compared to a gas central heating system.

If you are an Interior Designer or just looking to take on a revamp of your own home then the question of heating solutions is likely to crop up. Here we've been looking at the more popular options:

Open fireplaces

For many people, opening up an existing fireplace and making use of it seems like the obvious solution for saving money on heating bills. While an open fireplace looks amazing and can certainly warm up a room, it is not without its own particular problems.

If it has ... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

Best Hotel Interior Design Around the World

Posted on 29 Nov, 2022

If you’re looking for examples of cutting-edge interior design, there may be no better place to start than with the world of speciality hotels. After all, these are places that have the sole purpose of attracting the attention of prospective guests and many of them often have big budgets behind them.

Here at Careers in Design, we can’t resist interior design projects that make our jaws hit the floor. In this article, it was a difficult job to choose, but we’re going to look at 5 hotel interiors from around the world that make us do just that!

Castello di Casole, Siena, Italy

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Posted in: Interior Design

Current Flooring Trends

Posted on 28 Oct, 2022

Like every aspect of interior and product design, there are fashions in flooring that come and go. Choosing the right flooring option can pull the design together in any room. In this article, we’re looking at some of the current floor trends that are cropping up across the industry:


With a history dating back around 500 years, there’s nothing new about parquet flooring or the familiar angled positioning of its wooden planks. While its popularity might ebb and flow over the years, it’s definitely on an upward trajectory as we reach the tail-end of 2022.


Marble has always been an excellent flooring choice for anyone wishing to add a touch of class and elegance ... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

Hideaway Home Offices

Posted on 17 Oct, 2022

During the national lockdown, millions of office workers across the UK and the whole world ended up working from home. Although many of us have since returned to the office, many companies large and small have adopted hybrid working patterns for their staff, where they are only expected to be in the office a couple of days a week.

While this certainly helps employees strike a more appealing work-life balance, having an office permanently set up in your house can be an unwelcome reminder of your day-job, even when trying to relax at home. Advancements have been made since then and in this article, we look at some of the current clever ways to make your home office as unobtrusive as possible and put some distance between your home and work life.

Und... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

How Workplace Interior Design has Changed Post Pandemic

Posted on 30 Aug, 2022

Since lockdown restrictions were lifted, some offices and other workplaces have adopted some variation or other of hybrid working. When most of us consider that phrase, we’re probably thinking of it in terms of combining working from home with being in the office. However, this hybridisation of the workplace has affected much more than that.

In this article, we take a look at some ways in which workplace interior design has changed since the pandemic, as offices attempt to strike a balance between work and home life.


For many of us, working from home allowed us to enjoy unrivalled levels of comfort in a working environment. Some of us spent our day in a home office, kitted out with a luxurious gaming chair. Others wor... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

Smart Home Design: Incorporating Smart Technology in Interior Design

Posted on 12 Aug, 2022

Incorporating smart technology into the home is becoming more and more popular. From automatic lights and heating, to security cameras you can access and operate via an app from the other side of the world, this exciting tech development is taking us to exciting new places all the time. We might not be quite at the level of George Jetson’s fully-automated space home, but we’re getting pretty close.

In this article we’re going to look at smart technology and how it pertains to interior design. How can you incorporate smart house elements into a tradition design aesthetic? Let’s take a look and see what possibilities present themselves.

Smart lighting

We use lighting at home to create spaces that we are comfor... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

Current On-Trend Lighting Ideas

Posted on 29 Jul, 2022

As any interior designer knows, lighting is one of the cornerstones of design, however many people don’t seem to think about it until it is pointed out to them by the designer during the initial briefing phase. Perhaps it’s because most lighting is above eye-level and out of sight. Maybe it’s because we use light to see, so don’t think of it as a fixture. Whatever the reason it is important to consider your lighting scheme early on in the design. With this in mind we thought we'd look at the latest trends in lighting for 2022.

Marble and Metal Floor Lamps

Slender floor lamps, rising up from ground level to meet our expectant gaze are all the rage in 2022. The trick, of course, is to use a material that’s heavy... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

What is Mid-Century Interior Design?

Posted on 28 Jun, 2022

As the name suggests, Mid-century Modern is an interior design movement that sprung up in the middle of the 20th century, during the post-War years. While it was popular for a span of about thirty years between 1945-1975, it hit its peak in the mid-1950s. However, you can’t keep a good design style down. Like so many other trends, what was popular once will become so again, with sufficient passage of time. That’s exactly what has happened with Mid-century Modern, as many contemporary designers begin taking on its aesthetic.

So what is Mid-century Modern, in practical terms? What is its aesthetic? Its theme? Its feel? More importantly, how can you replicate it in now in 2022?

Origins of Mid-century Modern Design

Mid-century Modern is a minimalist des... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

Interior Design Trends Over the Last 100 Years

Posted on 31 May, 2022

Any interior designer will be aware of how trends have developed over the years. It’s only by having a knowledge of how things were done in the past that we can hope to move forward successfully. Quite aside from anything else, a popular design trend from decades ago might be ripe for a revival in 2022 – we have seen this happen many times in the past. The team at Careers in Design thought it might be interesting to look at some of the most notable interior design trends to come and go in each decade over the last 100 years… 1920s – Art Deco
The Art Deco movement was a major influence on interior design following the First World War. It delivered a sense of glamour and sophistication, incorpor... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design


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