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Design Recruitment Blog

Conquering the Job Search Blues: Tips for Overcoming Self-Doubt

Posted on 23 May, 2023

The job search process can be a rollercoaster of emotions, from the excitement of finding a promising job opening to the discouragement of not hearing back from potential employers. It's easy to fall into a cycle of self-doubt and feel like giving up altogether. However, it's important to remember that everyone experiences setbacks and rejection during their job search. The key is to develop strategies to overcome those negative feelings and stay motivated throughout the process. In this article, we'll explore some tips for conquering the job search blues and building your confidence as a job seeker. From focusing on your strengths to building a support network, these strategies can help you stay positive and motivated on your path to finding your dream job. So, let's dive in and start ... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interviewing

Don't Let Nerves Get in the Way: How to Control Your Anxiety During an Interview

Posted on 11 May, 2023

Whether you are having an in-person, remote or telephone job interview they are stressful experiences, even for the most experienced professionals. The pressure to make a good impression, answer questions correctly and demonstrate your skills and experience can lead to anxiety and stress that can negatively impact your performance. However, with the right mindset and preparation, you can easily control your nerves and ace your interview. In this article, we'll explore some simple but effective techniques to help you manage anxiety during an interview, so you can present yourself with confidence and composure.

Understanding Anxiety and Its Effects During an Interview

It's natural to feel nervous before an interview, but it's important to un... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interviewing

How to Leave a Message on an Answering System

Posted on 29 Jul, 2021

Many job seekers can write the perfect CV and make it past the early stages of the applicant selection process. However, they may fail to make it to the next step or secure a follow-up interview due to leaving a weak voicemail message, showing unprofessional phone etiquette, or even failing to stand out from competing applicants.

Leaving a good impression on a voicemail is easier said than done. Whether you're required to call a potential recruiter and talk about why you're the right candidate, or you want to express your gratitude and leave a remarkable impression, planning what you have to say and how you deliver that message could make the difference between landing your dream job or receiving no follow-up interview from your p... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interviewing

The Future of Interviews, Virtual vs Face to Face

Posted on 26 May, 2021

With the ongoing pandemic, many employees are still working remotely to practice self-isolation and reduce the spread of the coronavirus in general. As most companies and different work sectors move forward with this new norm are virtual interactions gradually replacing the necessities of in-person job interviews?

Global giant companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft have told their employees to work from home ever since March 2020. Amazon cancelled the majority of in-person interviews and replaced them with virtual interview portals. This system allows candidates to connect with recruiters, complete documents, and participate in interviews through Amazon's video conferencing software.

Google conducted most of their interviews via Google Hangouts or other... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interviewing

Ways to Help Combat Interview Nerves

Posted on 09 Dec, 2020

You have an important interview coming up with a prominent company. With one chance at a job you've been waiting for, it's easy to start feeling nervous before an interview. Knowing the stakes are high, your nerves could get in the way of landing that perfect job.

Nervousness is triggered when the body braces itself to confront or escape a difficult situation. In most cases, your body may experience physical symptoms which can hinder your performance on the day. Hyperventilating, trembling, or stuttering are some of the signs you may experience, and while these responses are involuntary, there are many ways to control them. So how do we combat this?

Focus on your breathing

When you are listening to the interviewer, focus on your b... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interviewing

Preparing for a Virtual Interview

Posted on 08 Apr, 2020

There are many reasons that applying for jobs in design might result in a virtual interview and with the current UK lockdown over the coronavirus outbreak, many companies are rightly complying with social distancing requirements.

However, there are other reasons, less immediate than a pandemic. Long-distance interviews are an effective solution for jobs that require an applicant to relocate. Some companies have most of their staff working from home as part of a flexible working arrangement.

Whatever the reason, preparing for a virtual interview requires the same professional mindset as preparing for one that is face-to-face.

Here are some of our top tips for doing so: Check... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interviewing

What to wear at an interview?

Posted on 14 Oct, 2019

So, you have decided to take a new approach and move forward with a brand new design job - that’s fantastic! 

But you may be thinking about how you should dress and grasp that new design job with both hands. 

It is crucial to know how to present yourself and just like your portfolio - you need to be well-presented at your interview. 

We discuss a few tailored tips on how you can dress to impress and reach new heights within your next design position. But remember that whatever you choose make sure the fit is right and it is comfortable to wear and sit down in.

Design job interview: the male edition

The usual attire has always been a dashing suit and tie, but when applying for a creative job in the design industry, it is impo... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interviewing

Scary Job Interviews

Posted on 02 Nov, 2018

Spiders, bats and tombstones are all pretty scary but for many of us they pale in comparison to an important job interview. With Halloween as a theme, we talk about how to deal with tricky interview moments and banish your interview fears for good.

Fancy Dress

Remember the fear of forgetting non-uniform day and turning up in school uniform? Turn up to an interview in the wrong outfit and that fear could be magnified a hundred times.

First impressions can make or break an interview, dressing too casually may make a potential employer think you’ve not made an effort or not really that interested in the job or dressing inappropriately would show you are not a good match for the company culture. Avoid this by researching the company or client’s brand an... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interviewing | Tagged: dressing for interviews halloween interview advice interview do's and don'ts interview dress code interview preparation interview questions interview tips interviewing interviews job interviews what to wear for an interview

Interview do's and don'ts

Posted on 22 Aug, 2018

It’s interview time. You’ve already taken our advice on what to wear for an interview and you’re dressed to kill. What else do you need to know?

Here are some important do's and don’ts.

DO turn up early

How early should you arrive for an interview? We would say at least 15-20 minutes. From a practical perspective, it mitigates any potential delay caused by public transport or failing to find the office. In terms of impressing your potential employer, arriving early shows keenness, punctuality, and an ability to follow instructions. All this before you’ve even entered the interview room!

DON’T leave your phone on

Swit... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interviewing | Tagged: interview advice interview do's and don'ts interview preparation interview questions interview tips interviewing interviews job interviews

What to Wear for an Interview

Posted on 10 Aug, 2018

At Careers in Design, we are committed to helping you find the perfect position from the range of design jobs that we have on our books. After carefully going through your CV and pairing you with a vacancy that suits your experience and qualifications, the next step is the interview.  The look you choose can be difficult to decide as this is the design industry, but remember, what you will wear on a daily basis could be quite different from what you should wear at an interview.

Here are some of our top tips on what to wear:


Keep it simple. Dark trousers (not jeans), shoes (not trainers) and a shirt is usually expected. A decorative or plain tie is a good idea although optional, but beware of a too comical or outrageous choice. A suit jacket or blazer w... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interviewing | Tagged: dressing for interviews interview advice interview dress code interview preparation interview tips interviewing interviews job interviews what to wear for an interview

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