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Careers In Design

Design Recruitment Blog

    The Benefits of Design Placements and Internships

    Posted on 18 Apr, 2023

    If you’re looking for a design job in the UK or abroad, it’s essential that you have a rich and varied CV to back up your application. Whilst prospective employers are always on the look out for good grades and relevant qualifications, one of the best ways to impress is by undergoing a design placement or internship with a company, either as a gap year or as part of your course.

    During lockdown these were very hard to find and were often remote internships which were not ideal. Now companies are open to bringing young designers onsite although competition is fierce to find these opportunities. In this article, we’re going to discuss the many benefits of design placements and internships, why you try your best to find one and how they can help ... Continue reading >

    Posted in: Designers

    How Architecture Styles Have Changed Over The Years

    Posted on 20 Dec, 2022

    Architecture, like any form of design, goes through changes. We are fortunate that the grand scale of some of these structures mean that we have examples of the changing facade of building design stretching back tens of thousands of years. Indeed, the oldest free-standing building that still remains mostly intact – the Göbekli Tepe in Turkey – was built around 10000 BCE. That’s more than 7000 years before either the Great Pyramid of Giza or Stonehenge.

    In this article, we thought we'd take a brief look at some of the most famous and significant architectural styles that still influence our approach to building design to this day.

    Classical (850 BCE to CE 476)

    When we talk about ... Continue reading >

    Posted in: Designers

    The Origins and Design of Christmas Cards Over the Years

    Posted on 07 Dec, 2022

    Whilst emails and social media have caused a massive drop in the amount of hand-written and posted correspondence over the last twenty years, one form of mail contact remains hugely popular – the humble Christmas card. According to industry lobby group, the Greetings Card Association (GCA), residents of the UK send around 1 billion Christmas cards and other festive greetings to one another every single year.

    Today, of course, there are thousands of designs available, from traditional images of Victorian-style Christmases straight out of a Charles Dickens novel, to cartoons, humorous images, festive photography, and more. There’s even a whole range of branded Christmas cards, allowing you to wish someone a Merry Christmas through their favourite char... Continue reading >

    Posted in: Designers

    Pantone Colours Over the Last Decade

    Posted on 14 Nov, 2022

    Each year Pantone announces its Colour of the Year, a particular shade (or, sometimes, a pair of complementary colours) that they believe will be a standout in fashion, interior design, graphic design and other lifestyle industries over the coming twelve months. As the leading colour experts in the world of design, thanks to their revolutionary Pantone Matching System, they know what they are talking about.

    For 2023, the Pantone Colour of the Year is going to be Digital Lavender – a warm, moody, and enveloping hue that builds upon the previous year’s winner, Very Peri. Digital Lavender is a neutral colour that is gender-inclusive, incorporating traditionally feminine hues such a blush pink with an infusion of dark blue to provide an edge to the colour.

    Digita... Continue reading >

    Posted in: Designers

    British Furniture Design

    Posted on 13 Apr, 2021

    When British furniture is mentioned, the first things that may spring to mind are vintage chesterfield sofas, antique wooden wardrobes, or mahogany dressers. It is synonymous with class, elegance, restraint, and tradition. 

    As we move forward to more contemporary design movements, the UK's design industry has welcomed a new wave of modern craftsmanship by combining the usage of high-quality materials, technology, and innovative designs with traditional cabinet making. Here are some of the best British designers that you need to know about and their origins, style, and iconic products.

    Nina Campbell

    Initially, a veteran of luxury British interior design, Nina Campbell's furniture considers factors that were mis... Continue reading >

    Posted in: Designers

    Design Books to Read in 2021

    Posted on 22 Dec, 2020

    A career in interior design can be fun and intellectually rewarding, it can also be a very challenging career choice that offers you the amazing satisfaction of creating beautiful and attractive spaces and rooms.

    Interior design is an excellent choice for anyone looking to use their creativity, love for art, spatial awareness, eye for colour, and technical design skills to create unique and appealing designs. We have been searching around for great books on the subject and have come up with these top reads.

    Biophilia: You + Nature + Home: Sally Coulthard

    Biophilia is the hot new word in interior design. It refers to a love for nature and living things. This fantastic book by Sally Coulthard explores the benefi... Continue reading >

    Posted in: Designers

    5 Kitchen Gadgets with Great Designs

    Posted on 22 Jul, 2020

    Product design is a competitive market. Every designer in the business is trying to create something innovative that combines aesthetic appeal with functionality. Here are just some striking examples of kitchen gadgets that caught our eye with their exciting design.

    Ordine by Adriano Design

    Continue reading >

    Posted in: Designers

    Brighten up with a Lighting Design Job

    Posted on 25 Mar, 2020

    In light (excuse the pun!) of this awful and worrying situation we find ourselves in, we wanted to write a blog with a cheerier note and give us something to think about whilst we wait for our lives to return to some form of normality.   

    The clocks move forward on Sunday and the days will be longer but lighting can be one of those things that we take for granted. Though it's what we see by, it tends to go unnoticed or, at the very least, unremarked upon. And yet, it cannot be understated just how important a part lighting plays in our everyday lives and the field of lighting design is an exciting one where you can make a huge impact on your environment.

    From bars and restaurants, to galleries and museums; from shop displays and corporate events to the comfort o... Continue reading >

    Posted in: Designers

    Advice in Negotiating a Pay Rise

    Posted on 23 Jan, 2020

    There comes a time for many of us when we start to feel that we are not being sufficiently compensated for the work we do. Many of us find asking for a pay rise an awkward affair, preferring to go with the flow rather than rock the boat.

     It needn’t be that way however. If you believe you deserve to be paid more, here are a few tips to help you negotiate one with your manager:

    1. Be prepared

    Check out the salaries for other jobs that match your current role to see where your salary falls. Put together examples of how your work has contributed to the performance of your team, or the bottom line of  your company. Make a note of your recent achievements, added responsibilities that you have taken on and more that you now feel ready to face. Whateve... Continue reading >

    Posted in: Designers

    Spotlight on Household Designer Names

    Posted on 03 Apr, 2019

    The design world exists and impacts on so many aspects of our lives, from the mobile phones we use to the clothes we wear. Most of the time this is done so unobtrusively that we are not aware of the amount of thought, effort and skill that has gone into it.

    An example is when visiting a hotel lobby, a guest may be impressed by the opulence, but we might not consider how this has been achieved. The mixture of textures, use of colour and carefully structured layout may well go over their head, but the experience that the designer wishes to create is conveyed all the same. In this way, designers are not often known outside the industry, though they may be very successful.

    At Careers in Design, we love matching up clients and candidates to form long-... Continue reading >

    Posted in: Designers | Tagged: designers modern households homeware bathroom products kitchen products interior design furnishings interior decor


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