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Careers In Design

Design Recruitment Blog

How to Respond to Counter Offers in 2023

Posted on 27 Feb, 2023

The first couple of months of the year are a popular time for people to move on to new opportunities in their career. Many take the time over Christmas to appraise their lives and whether or not their current workplace is offering creative and financial satisfaction. They see a new year as a new page in their own personal story and the ideal time to search for a higher-paying position at another firm.

Last year, we talked about handing in your notice and, in particular, what you should do if your current employer makes a counter offer once you hand in your notice. If anything, the topic i... Continue reading >

Posted in: Careers in Design

What New Interior Design Trends and Predictions Lie Ahead in 2023

Posted on 16 Feb, 2023

As we settle into 2023, it’s worth keeping an eye on what the rest of the year is likely to bring in terms of interior design trends. The design sector is one that is continually in flux, evolving to meet the needs and interests of businesses and the general public. Some trends develop slowly, describing a smooth cultural arc as they do so, whilst others leap onto the scene, almost fully formed, and grab attentions and headlines in the process.

In this article, we’re looking at five interior design trends that are either already on the horizon or about to pop their respective heads over it:

Listening rooms

This is an example of design trends changing to meet social trends. Despite the popularity of streaming audio servi... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

The History of the Humble Office Chair

Posted on 01 Feb, 2023

Office chairs have been a staple of most workplaces for a long time. From the corporate cubicle to the cosy home office, many of us use them every day. They might demonstrate some slight differences in design, but the general functionality is the same – a wheeled, mobile chair with several points of articulation for easy movement.

But where does the idea come from? In this blog, we look at the history of the humble office chair and how it has developed over the millennia.

Millennia? Oh yes – office chairs are older than you think.

Ancient Egyptian Ergonomics

There is archaeological evidence dating back to 1900 BCE that Egyptian artisans used specially designed and purpose-built chairs when carrying out their wor... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design


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