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Careers In Design

Design Recruitment Blog

Mastering the Art of Time Management

Posted on 21 Dec, 2023

Time Management isn't just about ticking off tasks on a checklist; it's about maximising productivity and minimising stress. In an era where every minute counts, being able to prioritise and allocate time effectively can be the defining factor between landing your ideal design role or missing out on opportunities. Our expertise in understanding what employers look for in candidates has led us to create this essential guide that looks into practical techniques and strategies tailored specifically for designers seeking employment. So, if you're ready to take control of your time and elevate your job search game, join us as we explore the importance of mastering the art of time management when embarking on your next job hunt.

Identifying what's most importan... Continue reading >

Posted in: Job Hunting

Mentorship and Career Guidance

Posted on 13 Dec, 2023

Are you feeling lost in your career journey, unsure of which direction to take next? Imagine having a seasoned professional by your side, offering wisdom, support, and guidance as you navigate the twists and turns of the professional world. Mentorship has long been heralded as a crucial element in achieving success, yet many individuals overlook its profound impact on career development. In this blog, we will explore the transformative benefits of having a mentor and provide practical strategies for finding one who can help illuminate your path to success.

The importance of mentors

The importance of mentors lies in their ability to offer personalised advice and constructive feedback tailored to the individual's goals and aspirations. This ... Continue reading >

Posted in: Job Hunting

Mastering the Art of Salary Negotiation for Job Seekers

Posted on 27 Oct, 2023

Securing a new job is undoubtedly an exciting prospect, but it's not just about landing the position; it's also about securing a compensation package that reflects your skills, experience, and the value you bring to the table. Salary negotiation is an essential skill for job seekers, one that can significantly impact your financial well-being and career satisfaction. In this blog, we'll explore the art of salary negotiation for job seekers, the importance of fair wages, reasons to negotiate, effective negotiation tips, and when it may not be appropriate.

The living wage vs. minimum wage

Before diving into salary negotiation, it's crucial to understand the distinction between the UK living wage and the minimum wage. The UK living wage is a ... Continue reading >

Posted in: Job Hunting

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Recruitment

Posted on 13 Oct, 2023

The landscape of recruitment has undergone a profound transformation in recent years, thanks to the advent of artificial intelligence. Employers and agencies have increasingly turned to AI to streamline and enhance various aspects of the hiring process. In this blog, we will examine the pivotal role that it plays in modern recruitment, exploring its applications, advantages, limitations, and the future of AI-powered hiring.

AI in Recruitment: Revolutionising the Process

Automated job advertisements and blog posts: AI-driven tools can generate compelling job descriptions and blog posts, optimising them for search engines to attract a wider pool of candidates. These tools analyse the market trends and tailor content to the t... Continue reading >

Posted in: Job Hunting

Creative Ways to Showcase Your Design Projects Using Photography and Software

Posted on 01 Aug, 2023

The Power of Visual Storytelling in Design Projects In the world of design, visual storytelling has become an essential tool for capturing the attention of audiences and conveying a message effectively. By combining the power of photography and software, designers can create compelling narratives that showcase their projects in a unique and captivating way. Visual storytelling allows designers to evoke emotions, communicate ideas, and engage viewers on a deeper level. It goes beyond simply displaying a design project; it tells a story that resonates with the audience. Importance of Showcasing Design Projects Using Photography Photography plays a pivotal role in showcasing design projects. It of... Continue reading >

Posted in: Job Hunting

Tips for a Winning LinkedIn Profile

Posted on 19 Jul, 2022

If you’re looking for a job then you should make sure you have an up-to-date and effective LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a social media platform dedicated to networking and is a useful resource for any professional looking to raise their profile within the industry. Whether you’re on the lookout for a permanent position, or a freelancer searching for a contract, LinkedIn is a key tool in your arsenal.

In this blog, we’re going take a look at some simple hints and tips that can make your LinkedIn profile within the design world more effective.

Include a Headshot

On social media – as in the real world – people like to know who it is that they are interacting with. For many, the default profile pic is a r... Continue reading >

Posted in: Job Hunting

How to Expand Your Network of Contacts to Pave the Way to Your Next Job

Posted on 14 Jun, 2022

Networking is one of the most important skills you can develop to improve your chances of success in your chosen career. In the field of interior, product or furniture design, it’s essential that you get to know people not just within the design sector itself, but on the periphery. Establishing a good network of contacts means you will be the first person they think of if a new position comes up, or if they hear about an exciting opportunity through their own contacts.

In this article, we thought we'd explore five simple ways that can help you expand your network of contacts and improve your prospects for future success.

Expand Your Horizons

You need to stop thinking of networking in terms of your particular career path. If you’re only making connec... Continue reading >

Posted in: Job Hunting

What is a Cover Letter and Why is it Needed?

Posted on 17 May, 2022

Many job applications – including those for our interior, furniture and product design jobs – often require a cover letter to accompany your CV or resume. A lot of applicants wonder about the purpose of such a letter, since all the pertinent information regarding their skills, experience and qualifications are contained in the accompanying CV.
In this article, we’re going to discuss what is meant by a cover letter, and what purpose it serves as part of the job application process. What is a Cover Letter? A cover letter is a single-page document addressed to the recruiter, hiring manager or whomever is interviewing you at the company. It is a summation of your CV, briefly explaining who you are, why you are interested the role, an... Continue reading >

Posted in: Job Hunting

How to respond to Counteroffers when handing in your Notice

Posted on 15 Mar, 2022

Here at Careers in Design, we are all about finding the right job for the right individual. Of course, accepting your new job means leaving your old one. Usually this is a straightforward affair. You submit your formal resignation letter, work however many weeks’ notice are required by your contract, complete an exit interview with your line manager, and walk out the door with no hard feelings.

On occasion, however, your manager (or their manager, depending on the corporate structure at your current job) may make a counteroffer to the one you have on the table in an effort to entice you to stay. This might involve more money, more benefits, promotion to a more prominent role in the company, or a combination of the three.

Should I accept the counteroffer?

... Continue reading >

Posted in: Job Hunting

Job offer Perks and Benefits (Standard and the Unusual)

Posted on 14 Jul, 2021

The wellbeing and loyalty of employees is of high importance to a business's overall success, which is why many big companies have started to offer job offer incentives and perks that can inspire and motivate the staff and attract new talented applicants to the recruiting process. Although most job seekers love a high salaried job, other alternatives can make workers happier beside a salary increase and a high paying career. Read on as we discuss the most sought for standard job perks and look into the more unusual job perks that well-known companies offer from around the world.

Standard job perks and benefits

Job perks are offered in many ways depending on the company you work for, such as additional offerings and beneficial packages beyond an employee's salary. On th... Continue reading >

Posted in: Job Hunting


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