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Careers In Design

Design Recruitment Blog

CV Tips for Interior Designers

Posted on 29 Aug, 2018

If you’re hoping to have your pick of the interior design jobs available at Careers in Design, your first step is to produce an eye-catching CV that will hook any prospective employer.

So make it good.

Your opening gambit

A strong opening paragraph will detail your core skills and demonstrate a multi-faceted approach to interior design. You should show your knowledge of design, in both theory and in practice, as well as demonstrating your ability to communicate effectively with clients, team-mates and management. A quick overview of your career in design will be expected, as well as any experience in beneficial backgrounds, such as project management and administration. Keep your opening profile to fewer than 150 well-chosen words and refrain from using s... Continue reading >

Posted in: CV | Tagged: cv tips interior design

Interview do's and don'ts

Posted on 22 Aug, 2018

It’s interview time. You’ve already taken our advice on what to wear for an interview and you’re dressed to kill. What else do you need to know?

Here are some important do's and don’ts.

DO turn up early

How early should you arrive for an interview? We would say at least 15-20 minutes. From a practical perspective, it mitigates any potential delay caused by public transport or failing to find the office. In terms of impressing your potential employer, arriving early shows keenness, punctuality, and an ability to follow instructions. All this before you’ve even entered the interview room!

DON’T leave your phone on

Swit... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interviewing | Tagged: interview advice interview do's and don'ts interview preparation interview questions interview tips interviewing interviews job interviews

What to Wear for an Interview

Posted on 10 Aug, 2018

At Careers in Design, we are committed to helping you find the perfect position from the range of design jobs that we have on our books. After carefully going through your CV and pairing you with a vacancy that suits your experience and qualifications, the next step is the interview.  The look you choose can be difficult to decide as this is the design industry, but remember, what you will wear on a daily basis could be quite different from what you should wear at an interview.

Here are some of our top tips on what to wear:


Keep it simple. Dark trousers (not jeans), shoes (not trainers) and a shirt is usually expected. A decorative or plain tie is a good idea although optional, but beware of a too comical or outrageous choice. A suit jacket or blazer w... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interviewing | Tagged: dressing for interviews interview advice interview dress code interview preparation interview tips interviewing interviews job interviews what to wear for an interview

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